Things That Make you go Hmmm…

So this interesting thing happened over the weekend. The biggest thing to note is that I attended two events on Sunday afternoon. And that’s a big deal for me, notwithstanding the fact that I also made time for significant yard work before the activities got underway. Bur for some reason, along the way in life, I determined within myself that when I attended an event, I have to go from the beginning to the end. Therefore, if something else was going on during that time, I crossed it off the list of possible activities. Well, I have learned since hanging in my social circle of women are varying ages that I can drop in multiple events that occur within the timeframe.

Who knew? LOL.

Anyway, one of the events I attended was a book signing for ReShonda Tate, the author of The Queen of Sugar Hill, a historical fiction novel about Hattie McDaniels, the first Black woman to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. The signing was at the main branch of the Detroit Public Library. It started at 2pm and I almost wasn’t going to go because I had started working in my yard at noon and didn’t finish until 2. I immediately started talking myself out of going because I was going to be late. Then I began to talk to myself.

“Girl, how many events have you been to where people come in the middle of it? Or even near the end?”

“Being 20 minutes late is not going to be the end of the world. They’re probably not selling the books until the end of the talk. You’ll be fine.”

So I jumped in the shower, then dressed in something that I could also wear to my cousin’s day party–the 2nd event of the day.

I arrive at the library, found great parking at the back entrance more easily than expected (I also use stuff like parking at the downtown library as a deterrent for not going to events there.)

I walk through the entry door and there is signage at the front directing where to go. Still, a helpful security guard guides me anyway.

The room was quite full as I entered. ReShonda was responding to a question posed by the moderator, a librarian FB friend of mine. I was happy to snag an open seat next to a long-time Detroit author, Sylvia Hubbard, who I’ve known, like, forever, it seems.

The talk was over soon after I arrived and the rest of the time was going to be used for the author to sign books and take pictures with attendees.

I wasn’t sure if ReShonda have any idea of who I was. While this was my first time meeting her in person, I was a Facebook friend and I am the Soror to one of her best writing friends, Victoria Christopher Murray. I have been following both of them over their careers before I started my writing career. I don’t know exactly when they started their own joint publishing venture, Brown Girl Books, but when I got wind of that, I’ve been following.

A few months ago, I happened upon the site and saw that submissions were open. Coincidentally, I had just received the edits back for my third fiction novel, which I had every intention of self-publishing.

What do you think I did?

I made the corrections for the first 3 chapters and submitted that along with the others items needed for submission to their publishing company. Knowing it can take anywhere form 3-6 month for publishers to get back with you, I put my focus on my other irons in the fire, so to speak.

So, back to the book signing…

My turn comes and I noticed ReShonda possibly recognizing my face. From Facebook, of course. So she proceeds to ask my name as she prepares to sign my book. I tell her and then spell my name for her.

She surprises me by saying, “Do I know you from somewhere?”

I proceed to tell her of about my sorority connection with Victoria, but she knew that from the Delta symbols on my shirt. Then I mentioned that I had participated in one of the virtual writing workshops they conducted a few years ago.

But here’s where it gets interesting…

She says, “Jefferson?”

My last name? I’m like how does she know my last name? Sure, it’s on my Facebook page, but my thought is, how much attention do you pay to a random Facebook friend to know their last name. It’s not like I’m commenting on her Facebook posts with any kind of regularity.

My mind races with excitement on the way to my car. I was piecing together the possibilities.

What I came up with is, perhaps, just maybe, my submission to Brown Girls Books made it to a short list of considerations for publishing and THAT’S why she remembered my last name.

I don’t know. Only time will tell BUT the possibility, alone, was enough to make my day!

Til Next Time.


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